Dr. Hadi Nural was graduated from ISTANBUL University Medical Faculty in 1989. He started ENT training same year in Haseki Training and Research in İstanbul. He graduated with” Snoring and Sleep Apnea Surgical Treatment Results and complications” topic thesis in 1993. He interested in Rhinoplasty and Facial Plastic Surgery. He attended a lot of meeting and course in this field in Europe and USA. He moved Antalya in 1997 and established Antalya’s first ENT center called ENT-MEDİFACE. He has been still working and partner of Mediface Surgical Center. He is lecturing in national and international meetings about surgical and nonsurgical facial treatment. His innovation technic in crooked nose treatment ‘’ Aesthetic and functional result of crooked nose treatment; internalmicroperforating osteotomy and subtotal septal reconstruction’’ is published in European Journal of Plastic Surgery and presented at Annual meeting of the European Facial Plastic Surgery 2019 in Amsterdam. In addition, he developed a groundbreaking technique of facelift and his academic study on this technique, which “Vertical Space Lift: Transcutaneous Lower Blepharoplasty, Subperiosteal Midface Lift, and Lower Face Lift: A Novel Technique of Buccal Fat Suspension to Medial Infraorbital Rim.”, has been published on Aesthetic Surgery journal.
His areas of core expertise are primary and secondary rhinoplasty, facial plastic surgery and he has over ten thousand rhinoplasty experiences.