rhinoplasty prices in turkey

The cosmetic surgery sector is one of the constantly developing and changing sectors in Turkey as well as all over the world. In parallel with the development of technology, nasal aesthetic operations are also renewed and updated. In accordance with this change and development, rhinoplasty prices may also change every year. In the cosmetic surgery …

The cosmetic surgery sector is one of the constantly developing and changing sectors in Turkey as well as all over the world. In parallel with the development of technology, nasal aesthetic operations are also renewed and updated. In accordance with this change and development, rhinoplasty prices may also change every year.
In the cosmetic surgery sector, many different factors are considered in determining the prices of rhinoplasty. If we list them; we can say that the service quality of the hospital where the operation will be performed, the price determined by the plastic surgeon, the materials used, the type of anesthesia used, the number of days the patient will stay in the hospital, the type of operation and the city where the hospital is located. As you can see, there are many different factors that determine the prices of nasal plastic surgeries. If we go into the details of these; since the service quality of the hospital where the operation will be performed is directly proportional to the services provided to the patient, it will be effective on the prices of rhinoplasty. We can gather many factors such as the bed, room that the patient will be given to stay, services and equipment that the patient will receive, under the title of service quality of the hospital. Another factor for rhinoplasty prices, the price determined by the surgeon for themselves; It can be determined by factors such as the education, expertise and experience of the doctor. The number surgeries the surgeon has performed is one of the most effective factors in pricing. Additionally, the same procedure is not performed to every patient in rhinoplasty operation, and the procedure may differ according to the health conditions of the patient. Therefore, the number of days the patient will stay in the hospital may also vary. For this reason, when it comes to rhinoplasty prices, the number of days the patient will stay in the institution should also be added to the account. Another factor that determines the price is the type of operation to be applied. The nose structure of the person, aesthetic needs and surgeon’s applications determine the type of operation. The same method is not applied to everyone in every nose aesthetic surgery. For example; while in some patients only deviation is performed, in some patients, rasping or other nose shaping procedures can be performed. For this reason, it is useful to consider the type of operation when calculating the prices of rhinoplasty.
If we come to the material used and the type of anesthesia, which are important factors in rhinoplasty prices, we can see that these factors also contain many distinctions. That is to say, most of the materials used in rhinoplasty operation are imported to Turkey. Therefore, prices are calculated in Dollars or Euros. For that very reason, exchange rates are also effective in price calculations. Moreover, the different types of anesthesia applied to each patient also play a decisive role in rhinoplasty prices. The last factor that determines the prices of rhinoplasty is the city where the application will take place. Rhinoplasty prices in big cities, such as Antalya, and small cities in Turkey may vary.


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