What are the Causes of Hair Loss and Ways to Prevent?

There are approximately 100-150 thousand hair strands on the human head and 100 hair strands are shed a day. If it exceeds 100 hair strands per day, either locally or generally, it can be called a "hair loss". What Causes Hair Loss? While shedding of 100 hair strands per day is considered normal depending on …

There are approximately 100-150 thousand hair strands on the human head and 100 hair strands are shed a day. If it exceeds 100 hair strands per day, either locally or generally, it can be called a “hair loss”.

What Causes Hair Loss?

While shedding of 100 hair strands per day is considered normal depending on the life cycle of the hair, hair loss more than this rate should be taken seriously and a doctor should be consulted.

  • Many different things can cause hair loss. Here are some of them:

Hair loss due to genetic reasons, also called “androgenetic alopecia”, is a regional hair loss that can be seen in men and postmenopausal women. Hair loss in men mostly starts from the temples and the top, while in women, the areas of hair loss are mostly in the crown area.

  • Permanent hair loss may develop in some skin diseases such as lichen planus. Early diagnosis and treatment of lichen planus disease is very important in terms of preventing permanent hair loss.
  • Some people tear off their own hair for psychological reasons. In medicine, this disease is called trichotillomania and can be treated with psychological support.
  • Some diseases that cause hormone irregularities such as thyroid diseases can also cause hair loss.
  • Hair loss may be experienced during pregnancy due to differences in hormone levels. This situation is mostly temporary.
  • Anemia is one of the most common causes of hair loss, especially in women. It is possible to stop hair loss with anemia treatment.
  • Lack of minerals such as iron and zinc in the body can lead to hair loss. In such cases, it is possible to stop hair loss by taking mineral supplements.
  • Some life habits can also cause hair loss; not having a regular diet, malnutrition, inactivity, and stress being the most common ones.
  • Wrong hair care habits are another reason for hair loss. Examples include constantly tying the hair up too tightly, wrong washing habits, and exposing the hair to chemicals.

How to Prevent Hair Loss

In male hair loss, when the loss is taken under control in the early stage, the amount of hair can be increased without the need for hair transplantation surgery.

The methods that can be applied for this purpose are limiting the formation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to medical applications, topical lotion applications, acceleration of hair cell division by laser, using platelet (thrombocyte) rich plasma (PRP). Loss can be delayed with these methods. Recently, the application of “stem cells” has shown successful results in this area.

Since there is no method that definitely stops hair loss yet, the current methods are used together according to the needs of the patient and the highest efficiency is tried to be obtained.

After the hair strand analysis (trichological applications), the blood vessel system that carries nutrients to the hair is evaluated and the requirements for the continuity of cell division are determined. Products rich in amino acids such as anti-oxidant-rich Q-enzyme 10, Omega 3, Omega 6-rich fatty acids, tissue-enhancing lysine, and laser applications are performed to accelerate blood flow in the area. At the same time, products applied to the scalp with nano-molecular structure pass to the hair follicle and nourish the hair strand from the root.

Measures taken to prevent hair loss are not limited to hair-related applications. The age, general health and diet of the person also play an important role in this regard. Hair care should be supported with vitamins and minerals that should be taken with regular nutrition such as zinc, selenium, B vitamins.

What is PRP?

The blood taken from the person is subjected to a special process, the plasma is separated and injected into the hair loss areas. Platelets help rejuvenate the skin, grow and develop in the hair loss area thanks to the growth factors and stem cells they contain. It accelerates regeneration, especially when cell renewal slows down due to environmental and genetic factors.

Hair treatment with PRP is usually applied once every 15 days for 3-4 months. It is then repeated once a year.

Which Diseases Can Excessive Hair Loss be the Symptoms Of?

Excessive hair loss indicates the following diseases:

  • Thyroid diseases,
  • Adrenal gland diseases,
  • Rheumatic diseases,
  • Hormonal disturbances,
  • Insulin resistance,
  • Diabetes

How to Treat Hair Loss

Treatment of hair loss begins with finding the cause of the hair loss. Only after the correct diagnosis is made, a successful treatment is possible. Every hair loss should first be evaluated by a dermatologist, and the conditions that it may be associated with should be investigated. Treatment options are arranged for the cause and for general hair health.

In male pattern hair loss, the size of the shed area is checked, if this gap cannot be closed, hair transplantation is recommended if the hair root loss is too much.

Supportive treatment with PRP and Mesotherapy is recommended for male pattern hair loss with less hair loss.


In the other type of hair loss, according to the results of the tests, vitamin deficiencies in the body are detected and vitamin therapy is applied. At the same time, it can be revitalized by feeding the hair follicles with injections into the scalp with PRP and Mesotherapy. Although the treatments are not definitive, success is around 80-90%.

Hair transplantation is preferred if the area is large in permanent hair loss.

As a result, when hair loss is being experienced, first of all, after observing whether the hair is in its own cycle, if a loss is observed beyond an expected situation, it is necessary to determine the source of the problem as a physician’s help. Afterwards, trying to solve the problem with the treatment recommended by your physician is the way to follow. With the advancing techniques and technology, baldness is no longer a fate, it has become easily overcome with the help of experts. With the appropriate treatment, you can quickly solve the problem and prevent this situation from decreasing your quality of life.


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